Monday, February 15, 2010

First Post!

Hello everyone,

First and foremost, I LOVE plants and learning about the impact they play on our lives. Many people don't realize the important roles that plants play in their lives. Musicians rosin their bows with the sap of pine trees, doctors treat patients with pain medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid which is similar to that of the salicin found in the bark of willow trees, and when people throw on blue jeans they don't realize that they wouldn't be blue without the help of a compound from the indigo plants. Although most of the compounds we use today are synthetic, they would have not been discovered so easily without the help of plants. This blog will mostly be about the effects that plants play on humanity. I'll be posting some of my favorite plants, stories that I find interesting or entertaining, and maybe some medicinal recipes that involve plants. I'm very excited about this blog and I hope that everyone else finds it interesting and useful in some way. There will be a little something on here for every one no matter what the age or gender.


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